What We Do
For many years, Northern Neck Road was maintained by a hardworking crew of four volunteers: Dave Blanchard, Jack Drake, Bob Foster and Rob Shea. In the summer of 2022, the residents of the road formed the Northern Neck Road Association to take on the work of managing and maintaining our beautiful road in a more formal manner. Our thanks to Dave, Jack, Bob and Rob for all the efforts over the years.
How we are organized
The Northern Neck Road Association was formally constituted on July 29, 2022 at a meeting of Long Pond residents held in Northeast Harbor. NNRA operates under a Maine statute that sets the terms for road associations and by-laws adopted by the majority of association members
NNRA 2024 Annual Meeting
The NNRA Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday May 7 at 6:30 pm eastern via Zoom. Invitations will be sent by email. For those who have not opted in to receive NNRA information by email we will mail a letter containing the link and a password.
Please provide email permission by clicking the button below.
If you have questions about how to access the Zoom meeting, please email: info@northernneckroad.org.
Get Involved
We welcome participation and contributions for the road